I'm a few days late with my post but had great news from the bathroom scale. I weighed in at 145.5! on Friday, an official 20 lb loss. I also remeasured (with help from RPM) and have lost a grand total of 22 inches, most notably 3 inches each off my waist, each thigh and abdomen. From a size 16 snug to fitting into a size 12 (OK, it is snug but still I can get into them without gyrations or gymnastics!) I did some preliminary closet cleaning and got rid of the clothes that were obviously too big and baggy and pulled out some clothes that were formerly too small and they fit! Hooray for the flexible wardrobe. And 15 lbs to go.
I'm pretty enthused about the Isagenix program. It is simple to follow, fits a busy lifestyle, and most importantly, it works for me. I admit I was pretty dubious at the start and RPM even more so ("you have to WHAT!?" on cleansing days) but he is even on the bandwagon.
I am going out of town for 10 days at the end of this week for a Taoist Tai Chi Health Recovery Week with a stop in Michigan at my best friend's and adopted family's home. Remember that neuromuscular condition I mentioned in my early post? I decided to see how I can possibly make a difference in my current physical functioning using Taoist Tai Chi. I've been practicing Taoist Tai Chi for 2 years and have noticed a real difference in my balance and ability to move. Certain moves that for more "normal" folks are easy are quite difficult for me to perform so I decided to go to their Centre in Orangeville, ONT to see if it is possible to persuade my reluctant body to master the tor-yu and "creep low like snake" without falling on my keester in the process. My other goal is that eventually I would like to instruct but I wouldn't make a very good instructor if I did the set poorly. So it's off to Orangeville.
I'll be off the Isagenix program for the 10 days I'm gone and while I'm I Orangeville, I'll be on Chinese food for lunches and dinners. In the meantime, I'll remain on the program until Thursday when I leave. I'll post a weigh in on the day I leave and we'll see what happens while I'm north of the border and off the program!

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