Friday, June 27, 2008

Slow, hopefully steady

Weighed in at 147 this week. I seem to have settled into a pattern of losing 1.5 lbs per week. It is getting harder to get all the water in since I am travelling a lot more now for work. I finally resorted to carrying 2 bottles in my car so I remember to drink it all. The exciting news is that my clothes are so loose I have had to pull out some clothes I had given up on ever getting back into and they actually fit! (wow, a new wardrobe without shopping - what a concept!) I also had a friend offer to return some clothes I had given her last year since it appears I can get back into them. LOL! Now the interesting problem is that I crocheted a vest and now it is too big. Guess someone will get a gift since I'm not inclined to rip it apart and remake it! (I'm not that much of an experimenter!)

Tried some new smoothie flavors - black cherry (from frozen cherries at Trader Joes) and Pineapple Mango. It is getting fun to experiment.

We have had a lot or rain and gardening efforts have been frustrated by the rotator cuff injury. I posted on freecycle to share plants and in the process get them thinned. Had a lot of takers but much remains to be done. I've been offered some neat plants so if I can ever get the back yard garden tilled, I'll have a lot of fun!

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