Which brings me back to the diet...
Tuesday 5/12 - Cleanse day. I chose a Tuesday since I would be seeing clients all day in my office and not doing housecalls. I've gotten to the point that I can actually taste the flavor of the Cleanse for Life drink and not focus on the "cleanse" part. Water doing well, snacks going well and good communication from Kitt. A few folks are curious about what I'm doing. So far, so good.
Wednesday 5/13 - Shake day. Am doing something different today - Having a Mango smoothie. It needed a bit more flavor so I blended in half a small banana to the evening one. Had lunch with a friend and tried Chili's child's menu since the portions are more realistic - had a chicken breast and steamed broccoli. Went to the doctor for my 6 month lung checkup and weighed 159 lbs after eating lunch. Yeah! Still drinking the water. Drank the evening shake too fast and got brain freeze (yeowwch!)
Thursday 5/15 - My trusty office assistant and right hand came by to do filing and pick up stuff for client billing. She took a taste of the shake/smoothie and agreed it tasted good (so it isn't my imagination!) She also checked out the Isadelights chocolates - a semisweet chocolate that is supposed to help with cravings on cleanse days -
They are pretty good, even though I'm not really a fan of chocolate. When I was 3, I had a close encounter with those mint flavored chocolates in the blue box in the family medicine chest - Yep, ate the whole box, and was I ever sick - (they say we are not supposed to remember much from our very early childhood, but believe me, I REMEMBER that!) Anyway, after that I never was a real fan of pure chocolate. Mixed in other things it was OK, but not chocolate for chocolate's sake.

Made a smoothie for lunch and drove to a client's home for a housecall, then back to the office. Finished my evening meal with hubby at Culver's - had a Chicken Salad Sandwich and water. Only ate 1 piece of the bread. Finally got home from work at 8:45 and fell into bed at 9:30. Still on program and not hungry between meals.
Only 3 days to go on the 9 day program, then begin the 30 day schedule of 6 shake days and 1 cleanse day. I'm really curious now since my rings are not as tight and my pants are not as hard to zip.
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